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Po prostu Chris

post-op x-ray frontal image of jaws
Life in Poland Po prostu Chris

I had surgery in Poland

I had surgery in Poland. More than one in fact over the years I’ve lived here. I’m in recovery now, and here’s a little bit about my situation leading up to my surgery in Poland. I promise, it’s not…

Life in Poland Po prostu Chris

So This Is 50

Once upon a time Years ago at university in the US, one of my professors asked our class to imagine ourselves at age 50. I suppose he chose age 50 as a nice round number, more than double the…

Pizza with picture of Pope John Paul II in pizza toppings
Life in Poland Po prostu Chris


Pizza Polonia? Polish Pizza? What’s that, you might be thinking. There are a lot of tasty dishes Poland is known for, Polish pierogi, Polish Bigos, Polish Łazanki, but Polish Pizza? Pierwsze słyszę. My first encounter with Polish pizza My…

Life in Poland Po prostu Chris


Czego nie robiłabyś w Ameryce a robisz w Polsce?  What wouldn’t you do in America that you do in Poland? As an Amerykanka w Polsce, there’s nothing that I have done in Poland that I wasn’t able to do…

Life in Poland Po prostu Chris


Check out Part Two of my doszły interview here. Enjoy! Dlaczego zdecydowałaś się na pisanie bloga? Why did you decide to write a blog? My friend Ewa encouraged me. She became my friend here in Poland and later immigrated…