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KIELBASA LIFE Life in Poland


Po polsku tu, For English scroll down Prawdziwa historia from my life in Poland Na początku, żeby nie było, jestem Amerykanką i mieszkam w Polsce. Kilka lat temu siedziałam na ławce i czekałam na autobus. Przyjechał Autobus D. Wysiadł…

KIELBASA LIFE Life in Poland Po prostu Chris

A Case of the Uglies

A CASE OF THE UGLIES, Brzydula strikes again Mirror, Mirror In an expat group I am in, we were recently discussing the phenomenon of subjective attractiveness. For example, you are rated a plain old 6 in your home country,…

KIELBASA LIFE Life in Poland

The Dreaded Letter

We got it. The Dreaded Letter.From school.The sealed Dreaded Letter from school. Proper Letters I used to get letters. Proper letters. Proper letters with return addresses. Proper letters with return addresses, stamps, and sometimes a little window. How exciting it…