KIELBASA LIFE Life in Poland

New Teeth!

You may remember that I have a ruin of house in a small village in Poland, and life in that small village in Poland is never boring.

Exhibit A

As I was working in my garden in the village last week, a neighbor lady (from two houses down) who hasn’t spoken to me for about 6 years due to a dispute on our street and the fact that her husband is a sexual deviant, came to the fence to radzić – get some advice. She wanted some advice about a building project, and I guess I am the expert on our street.

New Teeth!

Before I could answer her question about new rooves and building permits, she shouted out, “Chyba Pani wstawiała sobie zęby!” Yes, she asked if I had got false teeth as I swiftly noticed that she had a sparkling new set of false teeth herself. I assured her that these teeth were my own, in the sense that they grow out of my head, not in the sense that I have paid my last installment for them. Her response? “Amazing!” 

Your teeth? False teeth? No teeth?

No worries, just keep smiling!

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  • Reply
    Iwona B.
    August 22, 2016 at 10:44 am

    Ha ha ha! I bet your smile is wonderful because I have never met an American with brzydkie zęby 🙂
    But the conversation… What a change of subject, lol!

  • Reply
    August 23, 2016 at 6:39 pm

    Hi Iwona A. 🙂 I think I must have nice teeth because while giving birth the Polish midwife looked up from between my legs to compliment my smile and ask me about my toothpaste. Talk about changing subjects!

    • Reply
      January 5, 2021 at 7:16 am

      Hi Christa, this kind of story reminds me
      of when my (soon to be ex mother-in-law, thank God) forgot to maintain her 20-year old Golf 3 resulting in a freak engine fire while driving in Wroclaw. When she came back, she told me to check my car (which was brand new) because the same thing could happen to me. So, it
      seems, at least for the weak-minded, the best form of detracting attention from yourself is to accuse others of the same!

  • Reply
    October 13, 2016 at 10:07 am

    Sometimes neighbors can be a hassle to deal with. I'm glad you guys don’t have any hard feelings anymore. That is a funny story. That is a great compliment. I think having great teeth is an amazing thing. I try to keep my teeth in great shape so I don't have to get false teeth. Keep smiling!

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