June 1st marks Children’s Day in Poland called Dzień Dziecka in Polish.
International Children’s Day has been celebrated on June 1st in Poland and in other socialist countries since 1950 and became a permanent holiday in 1952…or so says the Internet.
How is Children’s Day celebrated in Poland?
Children’s Day is a special day for kids. In some families kids get presents, bigger or smaller, from parents or grandparents or even aunts and uncles. Schools often plan some sports day or festival at school. Some classes go on field trips to the zoo or the movies or at least go to the park or playground or for ice cream. During the whole week, towns often plan some festivities for kids and kid-friendly venues usually run promotions for kids’ activities.
Częste mycie skraca życie
There’s an expression in Polish częste mycie skraca życie meaning frequent washing shortens your life. Well, we wish our kids as long a life as possible, don’t we? Dzień Dziecka or having a Dzień Dziecka is also a euphemism for a day in which you don’t have to bathe. So I guess bathing is seen as a chore for some kids. My kids however are fans of the hour shower 😉
How will we celebrate Dzień Dziecka?
Well, I think the teachers at school are planning some kind of activities for the kids. They have only been back to school about a week now since October (due to the pandemic). As a parent, I will give the girls some chocolate and ice cream, and maybe a bit of money to buy themselves a treat.
Małe dzieci – mały kłopot. Duże dzieci – duży kłopot.
They do say in Polish that Small children – small problems. Big children – big problems. Well, I say we are always somebody’s child, so treat yourself this Children’s Day. Buy yourself your favorite treat or perfume or a new book. Go for a walk. Call a friend. Pull out your childhood photo album. Call you mother if you can. Skip your bath!
It’s your day, too! Enjoy it!
One last thing…
My beautiful children!
Me and my girls Kids in Hel at Baltic Sea
June 2, 2021 at 8:49 pmThose are cute candid photos of the girls, Chris! What a great time for the pandemic restrictions to begin easing, especially for the children. It seems that in most European cultures, there’s a strong sense of community and that goes hand in hand with communal celebrations. We experienced this across a number of countries. Dzień Dziecka sounds like one of those fun holidays. I wish American culture would foster more togetherness and sense of community. Apart from Independence Day and Memorial day (in some places) we really don’t gather as a community much anymore. From that perspective, it seems you are in a healthier environment. I hope the family (małe dzieci i duże dzieci) had fun!
June 5, 2021 at 7:11 amThank you! Those little girls are teenagers now and don’t let me take their picture anymore 😉
Now that you reminded me of celebrations and community, I do love a good parade – especially the kind led by a marching band. My kids have only been in the US two times, but one time was in the summer and we attended a July 4th Parada in my hometown. There was a marching band, majorettes, all the fire stations were represented, and a tractor decorating competition. I really felt community at that moment.
We do have parades in Poland, or at least in the small community where I live. Most celebrations start out in the church whether it’s a religious celebration or not, but you can join in after mass. Our small community even has a small brass orchestra that leads the parade. I love it! And I think I may be the only one 😉
Sallie Atkins
May 31, 2022 at 2:28 pmI’ve been missing picture of the girls! Now I know why they’re so scarce. 🙂
June 1, 2022 at 4:52 amWe are in the stage that anything with parents is lame 😉