Here’s an excerpt from an interview I did some time ago that never in fact appeared anywhere. Scroll through to check out my answers. Skąd pochodzisz i jak to się stało, że wylądowałaś w Polsce? Where are you from…
Po prostu Chris
A CASE OF THE UGLIES, Brzydula strikes again Mirror, Mirror In an expat group I am in, we were recently discussing the phenomenon of subjective attractiveness. For example, you are rated a plain old 6 in your home country,…
Life is brutal There’s nothing fun or funny about funerals. There really isn’t. Ok, maybe there is. Let’s start again. There’s nothing fun or funny about death. There we go. That sounds right. Death, not funny. Funerals, sometimes funny.…
I almost exclusively read my news online – from reputable publications, thank you very much. For you young people out there, there’s nothing new or even interesting in that, but I remember picking up my New York Times each…
January 11, 2017, I got sick again. I don’t know why. The doctors don’t know why. That’s pretty scary, not knowing why. When you don’t know exactly why, you don’t know how to help or treat or even cure.…
And this is what I got when I asked Rosie to find me a picture of a pussycat. Who hasn’t heard what U.S. Republican candidate for President, Donald Trump, said some 10 years ago using the word “pussy”? …
My friend from high school died a couple of days ago. This is the view we shared of our hometown. My friend was 42. He was married with 3 school-age children. Since we graduated from high school and all…
No one can make you angry like your mother can. It usually doesn’t take much, an innocent comment, sometimes just a look, that goes straight to your heart and immediately infuriates you. I remember plenty of slammed doors as…
A Good Friday reflection on the passing of my Polish father-in-law.…
Of all the things a parent is bound to experience with a child, we can check off an important one from our list - our first visit to the ER.…