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bi-lingual kids

Life in Poland

Summer of English

The school year is coming to end. Actually, the end of the school year in Poland is long and drawn out in my opinion especially for older kids. The younger ones are just having a good time with trips…

Life in Poland

A white Halloween

Our Halloween celebration was a little bit foiled by the weather (it snowed all day) and a little bit by our neighbors, but the candy was abundant so I don’t think anyone took notice.It was our first Halloween in…

Life in Poland

Globetrotting Macieks

Here we are at the start of our trip- Lizzie, Rosie,  Maciek and Maciek. Well, new Maciek and old Maciek to be exact. The Maciek’s go with us everywhere. There’s not a place Maciek and Maciek haven’t been…and here…

Life in Poland

Shopping Madness

I have experienced the shopping madness which is IKEA Saturday morning one week before Christmas. Normally, I wouldn’t even go to IKEA on a normal weekend but circumstances were such that we had to go today. What circumstances could…

Life in Poland


Two weeks ago, we took a little trip to Kraków. The last time we were there was….before the kids were born. We were definitely overdue for a visit. The kids were interested in 2 things only – the castle…

Life in Poland

Busy, Busy

I haven’t forgotten about my blog if that’s what you’re wondering. I’ve just been super busy which is a blessing really. In fact, my grandmother used to say that someone was “blessed with work”. She also used to ask…

Life in Poland

My vulgar little Rosie

Rosie is just now really starting to speak. Strangely enough she prefers Polish, while Lizzie at the same age preferred English. Lizzie’s preference for English stopped when she started Pre-school. Ho-hum. Rosie’s little voice and her sweet, little sentences…

Life in Poland

Our 1st Wywiadówka

Today, I went to the 1st wywiadówka of Lizzie’s school career and the 1st in my mothering career. The turn-out was sad, only 2 parents made an appointment with the teacher out of the whole class, but so what,…