I haven’t forgotten about my blog if that’s what you’re wondering. I’ve just been super busy which is a blessing really. In fact, my grandmother used to say that someone was “blessed with work”. She also used to ask me if I was “working hard or hardly working” and often told me not to “spend all my money in one place”.
My grandma was a child of the depression and remembered what it was like to have to eat fried dandelions for dinner. I think that’s why she insisted we eat meat everyday. She said that as long as we had money, we would eat meat. Not that she ate very much herself. She hated gluttony and weighed all of about 35 kilograms. “Finish your dinner and tomorrow will be a good day,” she often repeated.
She was a scheduled lady. Monday, change the beds and launder all clothes and linens, Tuesday, do the ironing, Wednesday…..“It’s not a shame to be poor,” she used to say, “but being dirty is inexcusable”. Let’s just say that I’m very clean.
Our little Rosie has finally become verbal. She has her own pearls of wisdom too, such as…
Ja want this. Ja want nie this.
Ja want to karm. karmić=feed
I sama. sama=myself
I want to lick-ać. lick (lizać) + the Polish verb ending
I cannot have kara! kara=punishment
Mommy, come and look. Kupa kiełbasa! kupa=poo poo
She’s a funny little girl, our Rosie.
PS Sorry for the lack of translation. No time, no time.
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September 24, 2010 at 7:46 pmFinally! Busy working means that the money crisis is over? 😉 So how do you exactly speak to each other? Misiu in PL, you in ENG and Lizzie and Rosie choose what is better? you must create a post about that 😉 In any extra super free moment of course.
September 25, 2010 at 11:12 amI will write about it, I promise :)Crisis is not completely over but things are looking up, knock on wood.
September 27, 2010 at 1:40 amMy friend's 3 years old twins use three languages – English, Polish and Arabic. With some Russian words, cos of kindergarden, provided by Russians, they use to go since four weeks. Try to understand them:)Greetings from Chicago:-)
September 27, 2010 at 6:42 pmlotnica- Those kids must be so sweet to listen to. With my girls, sometimes if you don't know both Polish and English, you'll never figure out what they are trying to say.Greetings from Poland!
September 30, 2010 at 1:27 pmChris – had to do this, coz love your blog! http://groszkowskiewow-buzianki.blogspot.com/
September 30, 2010 at 3:56 pmThanks Mama G. I consider myself \”tagged\” and will get to work right away!