Czego nie robiłabyś w Ameryce a robisz w Polsce? What wouldn’t you do in America that you do in Poland? As an Amerykanka w Polsce, there’s nothing that I have done in Poland that I wasn’t able to do…
Our Halloween celebration was a little bit foiled by the weather (it snowed all day) and a little bit by our neighbors, but the candy was abundant so I don’t think anyone took notice.It was our first Halloween in…
This is the top keyword search phrase for Kielbasa Stories this week. The second top keyword search phrase is gross and makes me regret using the word kielbasa in the name of my blog. So how does Poland celebrate…
…I think you missed the point.You can disagree with Halloween in Poland for many reasons. I’m American and I celebrate Halloween in Poland for one reason and one reason only – my children. I didn’t celebrate Halloween here before…
No time to write. We’re getting ready for Polish Halloween.…
We need to come up with 4 Halloween costumes….I know, Halloween is more than a month away, but when you live in a country that doesn’t celebrate Halloween, dawdling on your costumes does not pay off. And everybody knows…
What a difference a year makes. Halloween has taken over Poland. More parties, more candy, more decorations and did I mention more parties? I feel so special, as if it were all just for me. Maybe I should have…
Look what we got! Delicious homemade Halloween cookies from Lois B. – otherwise known as the Polish Housewife. They were packed with care and sent all the way from Poznań. They arrived in perfect condition 🙂 Lois, our postman…
We are gearing up for Halloween next week – that is if gearing up means only thinking about all the things we have to do for the Halloween party without actually doing them. Lizzie plans to be a police…
Halloween has come and gone. I wonder how long we can leave up our Halloween decorations before someone complains. I’ll give it until Wednesday. Halloween, if I am well-informed, started as a pagan holiday in Europe and pre-dates Christianity.…