We need to come up with 4 Halloween costumes….I know, Halloween is more than a month away, but when you live in a country that doesn’t celebrate Halloween, dawdling on your costumes does not pay off. And everybody knows that I LOVE HALLOWEEN!
If you didn’t know that, well,
So here comes the 4th annual “Bring Halloween to the Poles”.
The kids have a closet full of costumes already. They will figure something out, but what about us? What about the adults?
There are a few directions we could go…
First, we could go the obvious old-school route – clown, mummy, witch, pumpkin. Those costumes would be understood by all.
We could also go the famous-person route – Elvis, Violetta Villas, the Pope, Doda – except the kids won’t know who we are supposed to be. And I’m not so sure my neighbors would appreciate Las Vegas Villas with a sky-high blonde baroque wig in a princess gown dragging 9 pluszowy doggies behind her on a leash accompanied by the Pope, a Disney Princess and Spider-man.
Maybe this wig for Villas?
or this one?
nope, I think this one…
And I couldn’t forget about Misiu…I wanna rock! ROCK!
Another way to go would be some kid’s characters – Sponge Bob, the little Mermaid, some superhero. Everybody can dig those costumes.
We were also thinking of some professions – doctor, nurse, police officer, something like that. Misiu, however, cannot just be a doctor or a priest. His costume has to make some social commentary. His doctor costume must be accompanied by a fist full of money. His priest costume, now after the latest scandal, would have to include a can of whipped cream.
Traditionally, Misiu likes all costume ideas as long as we put the word sexy (or naughty or even slutty) in front of the name.
Nurse? What a boring idea but Naughty Nurse? Not too bad.
Witch? How cliche, but Sexy Witch? I told Misiu that the kids wouldn’t even know what I was supposed to be. He said that was ok, the daddies would get it.
Happy Pre-Halloween!
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Asia Prezentuje Prezenty
September 21, 2012 at 2:52 pmhave you seen the Friends episode with the costume party? one of the girls comes dressed up as a nurse and one of the guys says: \”Joey was hoping you'd come as sluty nurse\” and she responds: \”actually, just the nurse\” 😉 one of my all time favourites!As for costume ideas, we have a costume party at our house every year (not for Halloween, but for carnival) and the hits have included: a Jew (with pejsy and all that sort of stuff), Han Solo from Star Wars (accompanied by Pricess Leia) and the muppets (I was Miss Piggy and Mr. M. was Kermit the Frog ;))
September 21, 2012 at 2:57 pmwhat about a sexy nun and naughty Pope? 🙂
September 21, 2012 at 4:59 pmWhy the adult costume must be sexy?? I don't get it LOL seriously??? iwona
September 21, 2012 at 6:48 pmOh, come on, Anonymous.Let adults have some fun too LOL.
September 22, 2012 at 5:43 amDecisions, decisions. PP- I do believe that Ross was dressed at Spud-nik. Am I right?
Asia Prezentuje Prezenty
September 22, 2012 at 6:16 amYou do know your Friends, Chris 😉
September 22, 2012 at 1:00 pmThat is why I dont get it 🙂 why fun=sexy? I have fun every Halloween. And I am a \”nurse\”. Just nurse. lol. It is hard to buy \”not-sexy\” costumes. I don't judge. Don't get me wrong. Just curious.iwona
September 23, 2012 at 6:20 amI strongly support sexy, naughty or slutty costumes. They don't need to be scary and they don't need to be worn on Halloween only ;)But what do I know? I'm a potato with some antennas and a colander on my head.
September 25, 2012 at 6:41 ampapageno – I have officially registered your support for all things naughty, all year round ;)I'm still undecided about my costume.
October 13, 2012 at 7:43 amchris, costume idea…http://shine.yahoo.com/photos/worst-sexy-halloween-costumes-slideshow/-photo-2520500-205400450.html
Spongebob Costume
October 16, 2015 at 1:23 am… ispongebobcostume.blogspot.com