Drunk, pregnant and behind the wheel
This is quite possibly the worst headline I have ever heard.
I heard it on the radio as I was making my way through the traffic today – more traffic than usual because some big whigs are in town and the cavalcade gets first priority.
I decided to google the story to find out more details. You can do the same if you’d like. You will find a story dated from today. You will find another story from last month. You will find a story from last spring and so and so on. The locations change as do the promile (the blood/alcohol content), but sadly the story repeats itself.
So just for clarification:
- Do not drink alcohol and drive.
- Do not drink alcohol when you are pregnant.
- Do not drink alcohol while pregnant and drive.
Drive carefully!
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Marek Cyzio
June 10, 2011 at 12:53 pmThis comment has been removed by the author.
Marek Cyzio
June 10, 2011 at 12:54 pmSmoked kielbasa contains various carcinogens that may affect your baby. Do not eat cooked and smoked kielbasa when pregnant!P.S. What was the alcohol blood level in this poor woman's blood. Police in Poland says you are drunk when you have 0.2% – two glasses of not very fresh apple juice will easily get you there.P.S. In my \”deleted\” post, I said apple juice makes you pregnant which is clearly not the case 🙂
June 10, 2011 at 1:40 pmI deleted my kielbasa advice 😉 The lady from today's story, according to the radio, had 2 promile. Other reports say 3 promile. Chris
June 11, 2011 at 9:48 pmGłupich nie brakuje. Niestety mają 'prawo jazdy' i mogą się rozmnażać.