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As Seen In Poland

Life in Poland

Overheard at the pawn shop

I hate to park in front of the pawn shop. I’m not headed to the pawn shop, but the parking is on the street near my destination. It’s not strictly for the pawn shop. It’s not that I think…

Life in Poland

Coraz bliżej Święta

Chuck Norris w świątecznym wydaniu Another Bank Zachodni-WBK ad featuring Chuck Norris. “Come for your Christmas hay” sianko=hay hay=cash So basically Chuch Norris invites you to go into debt this Christmas. Spend your way into the red. Red is…

Life in Poland

Have you seen this? Maisy the dog

I’m not crazy about pets (allergies), but this little dog is adorable.Meysi (could it be Maisy in English), owned by Anna Pohl from Jarocin, Poland just may be the smallest dog in the world. Read more here.…

Life in Poland

As Seen In Poland: Chuck Norris

Here’s Bank Zachodni WBK’s latest ad campaign featuring the one and only Chuck Norris. I haven’t seen the TV spot yet and am waiting… BTW, my teenage student told me that Chuck Norris didn’t come to Poland to make…

Life in Poland


We know how to park.  We sometimes know how to spell. (Wysoki Standart!) We know how to entertain. We know how to make something from nothing.   We know how to take pleasure in finding something we thought we…

Life in Poland

Pijana, ciężarna i za kierownicą

Drunk, pregnant and behind the wheel This is quite possibly the worst headline I have ever heard. I heard it on the radio as I was making my way through the traffic today – more traffic than usual because…

Life in Poland

As Seen In Poland…

On our visit to the park with our kids, we could see a lot of cool gnomes and one not so cool bottle of wódka żołądkowa gorzka in the bushes. Booooo! I guess this krasnal had to quickly ditch…

Life in Poland

As Seen in Poland…

A morning distraction on my commute to work is Antonio Banderas -the latest installment in a bank ad campaign which features internationally famous faces. Apparently “Poles know what’s best” and what is best is cash loans from 5.99% interest…