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Life in Poland

What all the hubbub, Bub?

Poland’s educational system is undergoing a reform. According to the new regulations, the age for starting compulsory education will be lowered from age 7 to age 6 for first-graders. The result is that 5-year-olds will begin their education in…

Life in Poland

No worries

Rosie did not get into pre-school in Stage 2 of the recruitment process. I think that the principal and I have a different understanding of the phrase nie martw się (don’t worry). When I asked about my Rosie in…

Life in Poland

Communist Bastards

What a nice Mother’s Day I had. I received adorable wishes, cards and flowers from my girls (which was great) and information that Rosie did not pass through the first stage of pre-school recruitment (not so great). We will…

Life in Poland

Lizzie says…

Lizzie says it is better to be a girl than to be a boy. This is from the girl who was mistaken for a boy twice today. I suppose it is partly because of her manner of dress (a…

Life in Poland

Some people have Jesus – Niektórzy mają Jezusa

We have Uszatek. Lizzie’s pre-school class had Wigilia (Christmas Eve) last week. Jasełka (Christmas play) will be in January. As you can see in the picture, it was a full house. salt dough painting time – malowanie masy solnej…

Life in Poland

Santa who? Święty kto?

I could possibly be the worst parent in the world. Well, maybe not the world but the worst parent on my street this side of Żabka at least. I did not get my children anything for St. Nicholas Day…which…

Life in Poland

When your child starts school…

When your child starts school, well, Pre-school in our case, everybody tells you to expect at least a year of sick kid. What they forget to tell you is, that also means a year of sick mom. Since Lizzie…