Life in Poland

Santa who? Święty kto?

I could possibly be the worst parent in the world. Well, maybe not the world but the worst parent on my street this side of Żabka at least. I did not get my children anything for St. Nicholas Day…which is today in case you didn’t know.

Santa And why? Am I once again staging a protest against American consumerism which is overtaking the planet? Naw, not really. I just forgot…because Lizzie was home sick from pre-school for one week and I was unplugged from the whole pre-school loop of information. Not to mention, the two car accidents and numerous visits to doctors last week. I should be grateful that I remember who I am let alone that Santa Claus is coming to town.

How did I not notice all the hoopla in the stores? I kind of thought it was just regular Christmas hoopla, I guess. I should have figured it out on Friday when I was visiting a new friend in her new apartment (without numbers on the apartment doors) and I rang at the wrong door. A little boy from inside was screaming that Mikolaj was ringing. That clue should have sunk in, but somehow it didn’t.

The fact that today is Santa Claus Day didn’t hit me until I dropped Lizzie off at pre-school this morning and I saw the big Santa sign for the Santa party today. And then I heard a little boy asking his father if he would get another present at the party. Oops.

Luckily, when I came home after the morning block of lessons (an evening block is still waiting for me), I saw that the Rosie’s nanny had not forgotten the girls on Santa Claus Day. Rosie has devoured almost all of her chocolates and is ringing her angel bell like crazy. Lizzie’s present is waiting for her under her pillow. Thank goodness for nanny!

PS snuggie2 We have the Snuggie in Poland. This particular Snuggie is available at Carrefour and can be yours for a mere 69. Polish zloty. I’m pretty sure this is one of the 7 Signs of the Apocalypse. Misiu just asked what the other 6 signs are. Hmmm, let’s think…

  1. McDonald’s duo-locations. You know, when there are 2 McDonald’s each located on either side of the highway. Yep, we got that too in Poland. I just wish it came with more highway.
  2. Starbuck’s in Wroclaw market square. Pizza Hut and McDonald’s I could deal with, but Starbuck’s is another story.
  3. Misiu earns more in Poland than he did in America.
  4. If I sold my house and my apartment in Poland, I could buy at least 3 houses in my hometown.
  5. Misiu drives his dream American SUV in Poland. Ok, I crashed it a bit, but that is neither here nor there.
  6. Joanna Krupa is in the house!
  7. The Snuggie in Poland.

Święty kto?

Mogłabym być najgorszym rodzicem na świecie. No, może nie na świecie, ale najgorszym rodzicem na mojej ulicy co najmniej po tej stronie od Żabki. Nie dałam dzieciom nic na Mikołajki … które są dzisiaj, w razie gdybyście nie wiedzieli.

A dlaczego? Czy po raz kolejny protestuję przeciwko amerykańskiemu konsumpcjonizmowi, który przejmuje całą planetę? Nie-e, niezupełnie. Po prostu zapomniałam … bo w domu Lizzie chora i nie chodzi do przedszkola przez tydzień i byłam odłączona od całego obiegu przedszkolnych informacji. Nie wspominając o dwóch stłuczkach samochodowych i licznych wizytach u lekarzy w zeszłym tygodniu. Powinnam być wdzięczna, że pamiętam kim jestem, a tym bardziej, że Święty przybywa właśnie do miasta.

Jak ja nie zauważyłam tego całego zamieszania w sklepach? Pomyślałam tak jakby, że to było po prostu zwykłe zamieszanie bożonarodzeniowe, chyba. I powinnam była domyślić się w piątek, kiedy poszłam odwiedzić nową koleżankę w jej nowym mieszkaniu (bez numerów na drzwiach mieszkań) i zadzwoniłam do niewłaściwych drzwi. Mały chłopiec w środku krzyczał, że to Mikołaj dzwoni do drzwi. To też powinno było mi dać do myślenia, ale jakoś nie.

Fakt, że dzisiaj jest Dzień Świętego Mikołaja nie dotarł do mnie aż do momentu, kiedy odprowadzałam Lizzie do przedszkola dziś rano i zobaczyłem wielkie ogłoszenie o imprezie mikołajkowej. I wtedy usłyszałam jak mały chłopiec pyta ojca, czy nie mógłby dostać kolejnego prezentu na tej imprezie. Ups.

Na szczęście, gdy wróciłam do domu po bloku zajęć porannych (blok wieczorny wciąż czeka na mnie), zobaczyłam, że niania Rosie nie zapomniała o dziewczynkach na Mikołajki. Rosie pożarła prawie wszystkie czekoladki i dzwoni swoim dzwonkiem-aniołkiem jak szalona. Prezent Lizzie czeka na nią pod poduszką. Dziękuję Bogu za nianię!

PS Mamy Snuggie w Polsce. Ten szczególny Snuggie jest dostępny w Carrefourze i może być twój za jedyne 69 złotych polskich. Jestem całkiem pewna, że jest to jeden z 7 Znaków Apokalipsy. Misiu właśnie spytał, jakie są pozostałe 6 znaków. Hmmm, pomyślmy …

1. Podwójna lokalizacja McDonald’sa. Wiecie, kiedy są 2 McDonaldy po obu stronach autostrady. Tak, już mamy to też w Polsce. Chciałabym tylko, żeby to pojawiło się też więcej autostrad.

2. Starbuck’s we Wrocławiu na placu rynku. A Pizza Hut i McDonaldem mogę sobie poradzić, ale Starbuck’s to już inna historia.

3. Misiu zarabia więcej w Polsce, niż w Ameryce.

4. Gdybym sprzedała mój dom i moje mieszkanie w Polsce, mogłabym kupić co najmniej 3 domy w moim rodzinnym mieście.

5. Misiu jeździ swoim wymarzonym amerykańskim SUV-em w Polsce. Ok, trochę go obiłam, ale to ani tu ani tam.

6. Joanna Krupa jest w domu!

7. Snuggie w Polsce.

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  • Reply
    December 6, 2010 at 1:47 pm

    I must say I prefer starbuck's to pizza hut and mcdonald's together. but it wasn't in Poland while I was living there, maybe that's why. and 3 and 4 DID surprise me.

  • Reply
    December 6, 2010 at 4:55 pm

    3 and 4 also surprised me, but its maybe the foreclosure effect that banks will sell houses taken from the previous owner, at a low rate just to actually get ANY money from it. for the 3rd I don't get any excuse, but – that's good for you 😉 and yeah, we are getting more and more American brands here, Starbucks in Warsaw as well as Burger King. Globalisation. I wait for Primark from UK to get to Poland, and I wish the prices would stay the same… But wait, more likely I would like to receive a two way ticket to London and pocket money to do my shopping 😀 It's Santa day, so please Santa hear my calls! 😉 and I think if I got my Snuggie I wouldn't come out of it till April. Going to Uni in it, that would bring me more comfort (of sleeping) on the lectures 😉

  • Reply
    December 7, 2010 at 3:15 am

    Alexxela78: Wow, I'm impressed that Snuggie made to Poland 😉 I heard about Starbucks and I heard that they are using the english version when calling ( medium gingerbread latte) the drinks and the 'you' form ;)and that Polish people doesn't like/appreciate that. Pizza hut and other fast food were there when i was leaving the country.

  • Reply
    December 7, 2010 at 2:28 pm

    Now I am surprised that you (czyli Wy) are surprised by 3 and 4. Considering the change of the exchange rate when we were in the US (1:5) and now (1:3), he would have to earn more. Also considering that the price of real estate in Poland is, in my opinion, inflated means our property in Poland can buy more in the US recession or not. I am not boycotting Starbucks but with so many other nice coffee shops around, I don't need to go to a chain. I can confess that I have been to Subway a couple of times. Now about that Snuggie…it seems like a moderately useful thing but I have to say that I wouldn't want to receive it as a Christmas (or even worse, anniverary) gift from my husband. Over practical gifts kind of spell the end…

  • Reply
    December 7, 2010 at 4:31 pm

    were it not for you, I wouldn't know I want a snuggie. bad girl! 😉

  • Reply
    December 9, 2010 at 12:31 pm

    dz – They also had a cd case in the shape of a hamburger, a backwards clock, bean bag chairs and more. Those are all must haves! Is your Christmas list getting longer?

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