Pizza Polonia? Polish Pizza? What’s that, you might be thinking. There are a lot of tasty dishes Poland is known for, Polish pierogi, Polish Bigos, Polish Łazanki, but Polish Pizza? Pierwsze słyszę. My first encounter with Polish pizza My…
Polish cuisine
Śmigus dyngus It’s Lany Poniedziałek (Wet Monday) otherwise known as śmigus dyngus in Poland, and our Easter break is coming to an end. What is śmigus dyngus you ask? Well, it is a Polish tradition, taking place on Easter…
FRIED CABBAGE WITH DILL We are a cabbage family. We love cabbage. Bigos, cabbage. Coleslaw, cabbage. Gołąbki, the best part is the cabbage. We especially love fried cabbage. It’s really easy if you have a food processor. It’s less…
I like kefir. Mmmm kefir with that lovely, zingy, slightly sour taste. It’s refreshing and if you choose the plain one (the only kind I drink), it’s a relatively low fat, low calorie protein boost. And apparently it’s good…
Donut Day (czyli Fat Thursday) has come and gone. I suppose I can start my diet now – or tomorrow – or better yet, Monday! But before that let’s first review the donut damage. Despite the many, many donuts…
We spent Christmas at our village house for the first time ever. It was fantastic. Rosie kept saying “this is our prawdziwy dom”. That’s exactly what I was thinking too. We were able to spend Christmas at our house…
Carrefour has assured me that the cucumbers we’ve bought originate from a greenhouse in Poland. I certainly hope so. I hope they don’t originate from a dumpster in Germany transported to Poland by some entrepreneurial cucumber sellers. You can…
It wouldn’t be Christmas without Kutia. Here’s the recipe according to my mother-in-law. And she knows her stuff! Nie byłoby Świąt bez kutii. Oto przepis według mojej teściowej. A ona się zna! Kutia “kutia” wheat -whole grains raisins honey…
Here are some posts from last Christmas. For those interested in Polish food for Christmas, check out the Christmas Dishes posts. Oto kilka postów ze Świąt Bożego Narodzenia w zeszłym roku. Zainteresowanym polskimi potrawami świątecznymi polecam posty Christmas Dishes.…
Yesterday evening, I attended the Christmas party of one of my client’s. It will be the only company Christmas party for me this year. Not that I wasn’t invited to any others, but one a year is quite enough.…