I cannot concentrate on anything. Inside the house we are fighting an epic battle with korniki or some other kind of woodworm which is attacking our wood-framed house. If I were a religious person, I just might cross myself before climbing into the bathtub full of water upstairs. That’s 100 kilos of bathtub, plus water, plus me supported by wooden beams. As it is, I never sit on the couch located downstairs under the tub when somebody is having a bath.
Outside, pokrzywa is attacking us from every front. Yes, I know that stinging nettle is not really a weed, that you can make soup from it and that is has other medicinal uses, but I don’t really care. It is ugly and it has taken over all border areas of the yard and a good-sized patch in the back garden.
Of these two szkodniki I am more concerned by the woodworm. We are planning the next stage of attack this weekend. Fingers-crossed and thumbs held.
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Marek Cyzio
July 8, 2014 at 5:39 pmAt least these are korniki not termites 😉
July 8, 2014 at 5:55 pmVery true Marek. And just stinging nettle and not poison ivy. Trying to look on the bright side 🙂
July 8, 2014 at 7:05 pmdużo jest drzew obok waszego domku ? bo stare drzewa są siedliskiem korników i z drzew mogły one przyjść . Wysoka temperatura przyśpiesza ich rozwój , więc jeśli chcecie się ich pozbyć to trzeba to zrobić szybko bo inaczej może być problem .
July 9, 2014 at 12:29 pmW- Old trees, old houses, old barns. Everything around our house is old. We are calling the bug experts today. Until now we were trying to manage it ourselves, but we've decided to get some professional help.
July 21, 2014 at 9:24 amHi! I would like to contact you directly and ask you for a possible collaboration. Coul you please give me an email?In advance, thank you very much for your answer!Kind regards,Karolina
July 22, 2014 at 9:04 amHi Karolina – If you post your e-mail in a comment to a post that is more than 2 weeks old, your comment will go to moderation meaning only I will see it. I will send you an e-mail from my account and not publish your comment so your e-mail (and mine) will remain private. Waiting to hear from you 🙂
August 12, 2014 at 6:08 pmI just got here from David Snopek's blog, so i wanted to say hi! :)I'm polish who try really hard to find the best way to learn english and I find your blog hopefully helpful ;).I really love your polish words blended into english notes oh and I love kiełbasa as well ;)Pozdrowienia dla całej czwórki 🙂 Kasia
August 12, 2014 at 8:44 pmKasia-Welcome. I hope you enjoy my blog and that it helps boost your English. There are a few posts in Polish but I haven't written anything in Polish ages. I write how our family talks so that's where all the mixes of the languages come from 🙂