Life in Poland

Rumor has it

Our girls absolutely love our village house (so do we). Who wouldn’t love to have a big room full of toys and books all to themselves and a huge garden to run around in. However, I think what they like most of all is their playmate from across the street Kuba and his younger cousin Kacper.
It really is a great love affair. The kids greet each other heartily when we arrive and are sad to say good-bye when we leave. In the morning they wave to each other from their respective kitchen windows and rush through breakfast so they can get their play day started. Kuba has been so impatient lately that he comes a-knockin’ on our door as early as 8 a.m. Sunday morning.
I like to listen to their little games and their little conversations. I was laughing when Kuba inquired where our TV was. After seeing our TV, he exclaimed, “That little box? Why’s it off?” (Apparently in his 5 short years on the planet, he has only seen flat screens) After I made the kids homemade chocolate chip cookies, Kuba informed me that his father can eat a whole placek all by himself and that you can buy cookies at the store.
This weekend was no different. Kuba presented himself early both Saturday and Sunday mornings with Kacper in tow. On Sunday after clearing out the poziomki patch of any wild strawberries, we made the kids some sandwiches and this was the conversation that followed:
The Original Version

Kacper (kolega Lizzie):  Wy nawet nie wiecie jak mam na imię.

Misiu:  Znamy cię. Jesteś Kacper. Znamy też twoję mamę – Sylwię.

Kuba (drugi kolega Lizzy – kuzyn Kacpra):  A jego tata ma na imię Piotr.

Kacper: Mój tata jest w więzieniu. On był bardzo niegrzeczny.

Lizzie: No i dobrze. Był niegrzeczny – to powinien iść do więzienia.

The Translation

Lizzie’s friend Kacper: You don’t know my name.

Misiu: We know you. You’re Kacper. We also know your mom – Sylvia.

Kuba (Lizzie’s friend): And his dad’s name is Peter.

Kacper: My daddy is in prison. He was very naughty.

Lizzie: Well. He was naughty, so he should be in prison now.

And with some podwórkowa sprawiedliwość , the kids began to play cops and robbers, chasing Kacper around the yard, 3 against 1 (we can’t forget about Rosie), until they caught him and put him in jail. Oh, what fun they had.
behind bars,confinements,criminals,government,incarcerations,jails,men,people,prisoners,prisons

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  • Reply
    September 11, 2012 at 1:43 pm

    Nie ma jak to rozmowy naszych dzieci :)Lizzie bardzo dobrze to podsumowala 🙂

  • Reply
    September 11, 2012 at 4:57 pm

    The look on her face was pretty sweet too. She had a kind of \”yeah, that's reasonable\” look.PS I got the recipe. Thanks. I will let you know how it turns out.

  • Reply
    September 11, 2012 at 9:58 pm

    Witaj, zaglądam czasem do Ciebie, a teraz zapraszam do mnie na candy z książką 🙂

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