We are not religious. Not religious may be putting it lightly. I don’t mean that we just go to church or temple for the big holidays. Our attendance is much less frequent than that, as in we only go…
When I tell people that the school doesn’t get it, this is what I mean. Jak boga nie kocham, Chris is not impressed. Here’s one very creative and colorful bulletin board which welcomes students and teachers alike. It looks…
Poland is often called a Catholic country. I am not even sure what that means exactly. In my experience it means that some people are devout believers in god and church, others believe in god but maybe not the…
We bid summer farewell as we do each year with an end-of-the-summer BBQ with friends. The friends on the guest list change from year to year, but the venue stays the same – our barn. We talked about how…
Vice-Principal: We strive to make our school a welcoming place for our students. And I see that this an extremely important issue for you as parents. What to do? What to do? Parent a.k.a. Misiu: It is not extremely…
Where I went to school, we didn’t have such a thing as the szkolny sklepik. Not that we didn’t like to eat. We did, but we were only permitted to eat in the cafeteria during our allotted lunch time…