Po polsku tu, For English scroll down Prawdziwa historia from my life in Poland Na początku, żeby nie było, jestem Amerykanką i mieszkam w Polsce. Kilka lat temu siedziałam na ławce i czekałam na autobus. Przyjechał Autobus D. Wysiadł…
po polsku
Find out here how to say grandmother in Polish.…
You may have heard of the Polish gentleman who was beaten to death last week by a group of teens in Harlow in England. It is said that they attacked him after hearing him speaking Polish on the phone.…
Marynowane jajka inaczej pickled eggs jest amerykańska potrawa tradycyjnie podawana w mojej rodzinie na Wielkanoc. Smakuje świetnie kiedy jest podana na zimno z szynką i kiełbasą jak również z wołowiną. Niektórzy wolą jajka, niektórzy buraki, a niektórzy tak jak…
We have already had The Talk with our girls. Actually, several versions of the The Talk have gone under the bridge, and I imagine there are at least a dozen more (each) in front of us. Nobody gave me…
I hate to park in front of the pawn shop. I’m not headed to the pawn shop, but the parking is on the street near my destination. It’s not strictly for the pawn shop. It’s not that I think…
So you wanna have a baby in Poland, Part 2 -No to chcesz rodzić dziecko w Polsce, Część 2
I suppose in Part 2 of “So you wanna have a baby”, after we have secured funds, selected the hospital and have the doctor all settled, we can start with the getting pregnant part. That means you should have…
Tlumaczenie So you wanna have a baby in Poland No to chcesz rodzić dziecko w Polsce. Powinnaś zacząć od wyboru szpitala. Jak już wybierzesz szpital, powinnaś wybrać ginekologa/położnika związanego z tym szpitalem. Twój ginekolog wykona zestaw badań, da ci…
2011 is going to be “The Year of Chris”. My resolutions are going very well, thank you very much. In fact they are going better and better each day. Ok, it is March already, but I psyched myself out…
Integration: A teachers’ trip to the mountains Integracja: wycieczka nauczycieli w góry
Integration – the combining of parts to make a whole. If you have never worked in Poland, then you remain blissfully unaware of what integration means to the Polish workforce. It usually means a trip to some location near…