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Life in Poland

Angina po polsku

Little Rosie has angina. Angina!?! you say. Don’t worry. It isn’t that serious. She has angina po polsku. I remember the first time I heard the word angina in Poland. One of my students called me to cancel her…

Life in Poland

That’s So Polish: The Killer Draft

While many of us have heard (or may believe) that drafts can cause colds, it is only in Poland that I learned drafts can kill. I would laugh it off as an individual’s idiosyncrasy except that I have heard…

Life in Poland

Chicken Pox Reactivated

Sunday, I was planning to write a post on how guilty I felt because now Rosie has chicken pox while I remained pox-free thanks to my vaccination. I even had a title in mind – “Feeling Guilty”. That post…

Life in Poland

When your child starts school…

When your child starts school, well, Pre-school in our case, everybody tells you to expect at least a year of sick kid. What they forget to tell you is, that also means a year of sick mom. Since Lizzie…

Life in Poland

Getting Sick in the Village

I learned that as a first year teacher, I was bound to get ill often, and as a first year teacher starting her career on a different continent, I would get ill very often. Mutated germs, I guess. I…

Life in Poland

What smells?

Heck, if I know. I can’t smell a thing and it has been that way for over a week. I have bronchitis (diagnosed) and I think a sinus infection (undiagnosed). The result of which is that I have a…