Once upon a time Years ago at university in the US, one of my professors asked our class to imagine ourselves at age 50. I suppose he chose age 50 as a nice round number, more than double the…
Children’s Day in Poland is here again. The Polish holiday of Dzień Dziecka, Children’s Day, is June 1st in Poland every year. We don’t have Children’s Day in the US where I’m from, so I conveniently forget it each…
Śmigus dyngus It’s Lany Poniedziałek (Wet Monday) otherwise known as śmigus dyngus in Poland, and our Easter break is coming to an end. What is śmigus dyngus you ask? Well, it is a Polish tradition, taking place on Easter…
We are not religious. Not religious may be putting it lightly. I don’t mean that we just go to church or temple for the big holidays. Our attendance is much less frequent than that, as in we only go…
We don’t celebrate Easter like everyone else. There’s no Stations of the Cross for us or blessing our basket of food on Good Saturday or even Resurrection Mass on Easter Sunday. But there is time spent together, good food,…
Marynowane jajka inaczej pickled eggs jest amerykańska potrawa tradycyjnie podawana w mojej rodzinie na Wielkanoc. Smakuje świetnie kiedy jest podana na zimno z szynką i kiełbasą jak również z wołowiną. Niektórzy wolą jajka, niektórzy buraki, a niektórzy tak jak…
A Wedding on August 15, The Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the anniversary of the Battle of Warsaw (1920)…
czyli Why Do Our Friends Hate Us?No, no, I’m just joking. We were honored to be invited to share this important event with our friends and the wedding was lovely. The bride looked gorgeous, just perfect. The usually casually…
America does Easter right if by right I mean hijacking a religious holiday and making it a consumerist Easter Extravaganza then they do it very right. (Maybe it should be Easter Eggstravaganza!) Sweet plush decorations Rosie’s favorite Easter Hello…
Along with Halloween, we celebrate Thanksgiving here in Poland. When I say “we” I mean our family. Thanksgiving hasn’t made it into the Polish holiday line-up 😉 I’m always kind of bummed out on Thanksgiving because I know my…
Our Halloween celebration was a little bit foiled by the weather (it snowed all day) and a little bit by our neighbors, but the candy was abundant so I don’t think anyone took notice.It was our first Halloween in…