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American Food Life in Poland RECIPES

Co zrobić z dynią?

Placek dyniowy! Jak sprawdzałam przepisy po polsku na dynie większość była na dania mięsne albo pikantne ale nie słodkie. Jak już przejdę przez ten cały czasochłonny proces od dyni do ugotowanego puree, chcę potem ugotować/upiec coś lepszego niż pikantny…

Life in Poland

Exposed Beams and other stuff

Here are some pictures for Olivia who is a fan of exposed beams. She and her family are also planning a move from Texas to Poland next year. Olivia, these beams are for you 🙂 Sorry about the crookedness.…

Life in Poland

Autumn is coming!

How do I know? A few reasons… We had to wear jackets in our yard for the first time since Spring. Luckily, we were prepared. We could only hunt out a handful of wild strawberries in our strawberry patch…