Why did I move to Poland in the first place? Who would have guessed that the reason I moved to Poland was hurt pride over a dream job lost.…
Who knew that my first Polish Valentine's Day, called Walentynki in Polish would be so life-changing for me. Read more about Walentynki.…
One great thing about moving to Poland, besides the food, was a chance to learn the history of Poland, first hand in Poland.…
Not satisfied with how things are going in your country? Don't leave the country. Do these 9 things instead.…
Home Slippers In my observation, Polish people are crazy about Polish slippers. Crazy in a good way. And I guess in Poland they aren’t called Polish slippers, just slippers, and not in English but in Polish. In Polish, slippers…
I wanted to put a cute saying here about the power of repetition in learning, but the first quotes I could find were either about repeated lies becoming truth or things sourced to Hilter, so we move on. Repetition…
Czego nie robiłabyś w Ameryce a robisz w Polsce? What wouldn’t you do in America that you do in Poland? As an Amerykanka w Polsce, there’s nothing that I have done in Poland that I wasn’t able to do…
Check out Part Two of my doszły interview here. Enjoy! Dlaczego zdecydowałaś się na pisanie bloga? Why did you decide to write a blog? My friend Ewa encouraged me. She became my friend here in Poland and later immigrated…
Here’s an excerpt from an interview I did some time ago that never in fact appeared anywhere. Scroll through to check out my answers. Skąd pochodzisz i jak to się stało, że wylądowałaś w Polsce? Where are you from…
COVID-19 IN POLAND I have spent the Covid-19 pandemic in Poland. Why, you might ask. Well, despite being American, I live in Poland with my Polish husband and oh so Polish kids. The best thing about spending the pandemic…