Life in Poland

24 hours

What could you accomplish in 24 hours? How about 24 hours spread over a couple of months? 24 hours all for yourself. Would you read a book? Would you learn how to cook? Brush up on your piano playing? Get in shape?

Since the beginning of the school year in September til now, my kids have spent over 24 hours each in the dayroom or the library while their classroom has been occupied by a catechism teacher. They haven’t had English for a month now because their English teacher is out sick. Those facts are not related, but you know, I’m just saying. You can learn a lot in 24 hours…or nothing at all.

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  • Reply
    November 25, 2014 at 11:00 pm

    Always look at the bright side…They learn, that they can refuse and stand for themselves rather than follow the herd. And that their parents will always back them up.But if it's unconvincing, find them books to fulfill this time, they'll thank you one day for that.

  • Reply
    November 26, 2014 at 2:12 am

    Nie tylko ty masz taki problem. Rodzice nie chcący wysyłać dzieci na religię znaleźli sposoby na wykorzystanie tej lekcji w pozytywny sposób. Jeden ze znanych sposobów to robienie pracy domowej na lekcji religii. Wiele razy koledzy wkładali na przykład książkę z matematyki do ozdobionej okładki do książki z religii. Niestety do w szkole podstawowej religia jest traktowana na równi z przedmiotami jak matematyka. W gimnazjum(liceum też) z tego co mi wiadomo jest już możliwość całkowitej rezygnacji z religii. Mało osób decyduje się na to ponieważ ksiądz może wtedy nie dopuścić do bierzmowania. Często myśląc o rodzinie i dzieciach myśli się także o ślubie, dlatego czasami wolą 'przeboleć' 3 lata religii robiąc np zadania domowe, a potem nie mieć problemów gdy luba będzie chciała wziąć ślub.>> Pewne powiedzenie mówi, że jeśli czegoś nie możesz pokonać, to polub.

  • Reply
    November 26, 2014 at 7:08 am

    czar- Lizzie reads or talks with her friends because there are 7 of them who don't go. Rosie is just starting to read and she sits alone during this time. It'll only get better as they get older I'm sure.Wojtek- We are not Catholic and our children are not baptized so they don't go to religion at all. It's hard for the school administration to imagine that 🙂 Our girls are able to do their homework freely in another room – non attendees are led out – most of the time. We wanted to arrange additional math at this time but we were not allowed. I didn't even think about the kids who go (or are sent by parents) but also think it is a colossal waste of time. I do remember the \”do your homework in religion\” thing though. I remember asking some kids in the morning (when I worked in a Polish high school) if they were ready for the test later. They answered, \”We have time. We have religion 2nd period.\” Poor religion teacher ;)But it is true that they'll learn how not to always go with the flow. I am glad to say that the other kids do not say anything mean about it – some teachers are another story.

  • Reply
    November 27, 2014 at 5:42 pm

    At liceum I can wherever I go during religion (library always is an option) but as I learn in Cracow, near centre, I spend my time drinking cofee and doing some math.Gimnazjum, I guess, is harder. First is this whole bierzmowanie, I agree, but you do nothing on religion. If there wasn't any \”small-town\” syndrom, what I call it, that you're afraid everyone will know and youl have to face many problems if you want to get married, 90% of my previous class wouldn't be attending. I think. For me those years just made me more and more confident that atheism is a good choice. I guess it was not the purpose…

  • Reply
    November 27, 2014 at 5:57 pm

    Malc – It seems that religia at school is its own worst enemy. I noticed that it is bierzmowanie and then out – for a lot of people.We got married in the civil office but my m-i-l asked me for years when we were going to get married for real.

  • Reply
    December 20, 2014 at 1:03 am

    Tell us about the time you shoved a whole fucking kielbasa up you ass.

  • Reply
    December 21, 2014 at 2:42 pm

    You shoud be grateful that your children weren't punished like this poor girl:,103454,17134206,Kazali_dziecku_zatkac_uszy__By_nie_slyszalo__co_inni.html#MTIf she was my child, this \”teacher\” would not work with children any more.

  • Reply
    December 21, 2014 at 5:08 pm

    Vito – You first.Czar – We had that situation with our younger daughter in pre-school. They didn't take her to another room but put her in the corner and told her not to listen 🙁

  • Reply
    December 21, 2014 at 11:17 pm

    Feel so sorry for her and ypu.

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