You have to come all the way to Poland to see a parade of U.S. military vehicles 🙂 Misiu and Lizzie were both very happy.

PKP curtains anyone?
Some things you can find in the forest
Some krasnoludki you can find in the forest if you are very quiet
I hope to post more pictures in June. Bring on the June-ówka!
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May 16, 2012 at 10:50 amWhat a great collection of photos!
May 16, 2012 at 1:48 pmThanks Brad. The quality of the pics isn't so great as they were taken with a phone but the memories are still preserved 🙂
May 27, 2012 at 9:04 pmThat's so cool they opened a bicycle path there! 🙂 Now living in Holland I find it bit disappointing we don't have many o these in Poland.