Life in Poland

Marszu Niepodległości i Sprawiedliwości – March of Independence and Justice

Yesterday, the political party PiS organized a March of Independence and Justice in Warsaw. I was thinking about the anniversary of martial law in Poland yesterday and apparently PiS was thinking about something else.

There were a lot of anti-Tusk signs and anti-Sikorski signs especially after Sikorski’s public comments that we (Europe) cannot afford Germany’s lack of action in face of the financial crisis. PiS has expressed a fear that Poland’s sovereignty is threatened by membership in the European Union. Just an FYI – Poland currently holds the Presidency of the Council of the European Union.

Here’s just a taste of what Kaczyński had to say about it. Read more here in Gazeta Wyborcza.

Chcę wam przyrzec, że PiS stanie na czele walki o Polskę suwerenną! Aby obywatele Polski mogli sami decydować o tym, co jest ważne. Stać nas na to! Gdyby nie to chore państwo, gdyby nie te interesiki, nasz naród parłby do przodu jak Chiny. Musimy zrzucić ten worek kamieni. – Jarosław Kaczyński

I want to promise you all that PiS will lead the fight for Poland’s sovereignty! So that Polish citizens can decide for themselves what is important. We can do it! If it were not for this sick government, if it were not for these little deals, our nation would push forward as China has done. We must throw off this bag of stones. – Jarosław Kaczyński (translation mine). *

I cannot think of a more independent and just country than China to model our nation after.**

*If I understand correctly the “bag of stones” is the membership in the EU and the “little deals” are agreements with the EU.
**I thought we were supposed to model ourselves after Hungary? Jarosław, I can’t keep up.

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  • Reply
    December 14, 2011 at 4:04 pm

    LOL. Nobody can keep up with mighty Jarosław. I think next step is going to be wishing Poland to be just like North Korea.

  • Reply
    December 14, 2011 at 5:04 pm

    I am so agitated this morning. I think reading this post has caused my blood pressure to go up, up, up! Kaczor should just move to China, or North Korea.

  • Reply
    December 15, 2011 at 8:07 am

    Look at this on the bright side. Kaczyński said that we should be 2nd Hungary and they started to have huuuuuuuge problems. If he's talking about China now, maybe the country of Big Red Brother will start some democratic revolution 😉

  • Reply
    December 16, 2011 at 7:48 am

    kubala – I was thinking the same thing…which country can he compare us to now (in this scenario I am \”us\” meaning Polish too)? Maybe North Korea or Myanmar or…maybe even the USA!

  • Reply
    December 16, 2011 at 9:06 am

    Kasia- I added another pic from FB to this post just for you :)cloudik – But what would that do to our supply of useless cheap crap????

  • Reply
    December 16, 2011 at 3:21 pm

    Thank you, Chris! I love that pic! and the fb page has a great name:)

  • Reply
    January 5, 2012 at 9:09 pm

    And only 3 years ago he said that he would leave politics if he loses the elections… Never happened!

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