Life in Poland

Hard To Please

I admit that I am a hard customer to please, especially when it comes to hairdressers. I’m on my 3rd hairdresser since I had to give up on my hairdresser almost one year ago.

Usually, my visits to the hairdresser begin with a long explanation of what I don’t want, followed by an even longer explanation of what I do want. In the end, my hair never turns out as I intended, but it’s just hair. It’ll grow back.

Today, I decided on a different approach. Rather than the long explanation of how to cut my hair (I mean, c’mon, I don’t want to tell somebody how to do their job), I decided to tell the hairdresser what look I was going for, hoping that she would just “get it”.

“How are we cutting your hair today?” the new hairdresser asks.

“Shorter,” I joked, but only I was laughing. I continued, “Ok, here’s the thing. I wanna look like a rock star.”


“A 1970’s rock star,” I explain.


“A 1970’s rock star who also has a normal job and needs to look normal Monday through Friday,” I add just for clarification.

“Mmhh. Let’s get started.”image

She didn’t even flinch!

I think I’ve found my new hairdresser.

I wonder what my hair will look like tomorrow when I have to do it myself?

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  • Reply
    June 1, 2010 at 2:01 pm

    photo! photo! photo! please!

  • Reply
    Titania yng Nghymru
    June 1, 2010 at 4:00 pm

    oh yes! where is the photo??? we wanna admire that rock star masterpiece 😛 maybe u could take a picture/magazine next time with u to show what u want 🙂

  • Reply
    June 1, 2010 at 9:01 pm

    congrats! I still cannot find a hairdresser for me. I do know that my body does look bad, and no super slim so I want my face to be as good as it can. So My frustration about hairdressers made me zapuścić my hair nearly to my waist. And as all examinations are ahead of me, and there is a superstition, that you are not supposed to cut your hair before them (as your knowledge might disappear) I have to wait another month ;D On the end of June I will probably look like Rapunzel…

  • Reply
    June 1, 2010 at 10:28 pm

    Men have it easy. I say: #2 everywhere. Beard too? Yes. Eyebrows? Yes, please.My wife says: you look like a tennis ball.April

  • Reply
    June 3, 2010 at 7:02 am

    I never take a picture with me. I guess that's because I never really want a haircut exactly like the picture…but something like this picture and this picture and another picture and I'm afraid that the picture will mess up my idea even more.If I remember correctly, Rapunzel was able to catch herself a prince….just a thought :)For those of you who don't know what April is talking about with #2, it means the setting on the clippers. How easy life would be….

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