Polish Easter Eggs: Pisanki

We finally decorated our Easter Eggs. Actually, we made pisanki (from the Polish word pisać – to write, so “written” Easter eggs). Some babcias would probably turn over in their graves if they could see what I am calling a pisanka. OK, so we didn’t actually make them the traditional way, but they still look fantastic.

Pisanki Instant

Eggs 2010 2
Eggs 2010 4
Eggs 2010 5
Eggs 2010 006

Kinds of Pisanki (according to the pisanki package)

Pisanki Batikowe Batik Eggs

Przed gotowaniem jajek w barwnym wywarze wzór nanosi sie woskiem, np. igłą lub specjalnym lejkiem.

Before boiling the egg in dye, a pattern is put on the egg with wax using a needle or a funnel.

Egg 2010 001a

Oklejanki Glued Paper Eggs

Z naklejanymi na skorupkę wycinkami papieru, materiału.

Pieces of paper or material are glued to the egg.

Eggs 2010 008 Pisanki Łowickie / Łowicz Regional Eggs

Kraszanki One-color Eggs

Barwione na jednolity kolor.

Dyed one color.

Drapanki Scratched Eggs

Wzór wydrapywany w zabarwionej skorupce.

The pattern is scratched on the dyed egg.

Eggs 2010 010 Pisanka Huculska / Hucul Ethnic Egg

Malowanki Painted Eggs

And one that I think they forgot on the package…

Eggs 2010 009 Pisanki Kaszubskie / Kaszub Regional Eggs

Wishing you a Happy Easter full of tasty eggs!

Wesołych Świąt Wielkanocnych i smacznego jajka!

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  • Reply
    April 3, 2010 at 4:45 pm

    Chris wow wow wow they are so …Beautiful. I have only 2 ;-( one green for my Monsz and second one orange for me ;-( Irish don’t celebrate Easter in the polish way. Anyway I feel the atmosphere of the time. 4 days off from work, relax, good book, wine, and of course wonderful food. Happy Easter my Dear friend.

  • Reply
    April 3, 2010 at 8:03 pm

    IMO you deserve Pisanka's PhD:)) I used to make the paper \”ready to go\” pisanki when I first came to US:) 25 years later, I don't make them anymore:) There are no kids, so is no fun. Enjoy your time with kids before they grow and it gets boring;))

  • Reply
    April 4, 2010 at 7:03 am

    Wesołych i zielonych!

  • Reply
    April 4, 2010 at 7:30 am

    Thanks for the compliments. All the fun for only 4 zloty!

  • Reply
    April 6, 2010 at 7:31 am

    Many years ago, when in Poland we had only two TV channels, they used to show a programme in which ladies from Koło Gospodyń Wiejskich or something were preparing pisankas. One of the techniques was writing the pattern using hot wax, dying the egg and then wiping the wax lines away. It was really fascinating. I always watched it with my beak wide open and badly wanted to make my own. And I never did. ;-/Yours are beautiful. ;-/

  • Reply
    April 1, 2012 at 1:38 pm

    I love all of your Easter eggs.I've always admire the passion that goes into creating such beautiful Easter eggs.But try as I may, I cannot.Great blog!Brad

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