Life in Poland

Religion lessons update

Let’s review the Pre-school Religion lesson situation:

Informed by Headmistress that we need to sign up our child for Religion. Not signing up means the child will not attend. We did not sign Lizzie up as we do not want her to attend.

Informed later by Headmistress that we need to write a declaration that we do not want our daughter to attend despite the fact that we did not sign her up. We caved and wrote the declaration for the Headmistress and additionally reminded the classroom teachers that Lizzie is not to attend.

At parent/teacher meeting, parents requested any information about the identity and qualifications of the Religion teacher and her curriculum for the year. We also had requested the same earlier from the Headmistress. The Headmistress, unfortunately, does not possess such information so she is unable to give it to the parents.

Requested by the classroom teacher that we write another declaration for the classroom teachers. I did not cave and informed them that one written declaration and one verbal declaration and the fact that I did not sign my daughter up for Religion lessons is sufficient.

Yesterday, requested to write a declaration for the Religion teacher that we do not wish Lizzie to attend Religion lessons. As I do not know the Religion teacher from Adam, I refused and strongly indicated that they are not to ask me again or I am going to lose it which would be very uncomfortable for everyone involved.

Seriously, yesterday when they asked me again to write another declaration, I got a very strange sinking feeling in my chest and stomach. I have never felt it before, but I think it was oppression, ok maybe not full out oppression. I don’t want to exaggerate so let’s call it oppression extra-light but it is still troublesome nonetheless.

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  • Reply
    February 10, 2010 at 6:40 pm

    ha – my husband says 'religion' was one of the main reasons he left Poland. I should say that at the time it was not even close to what it is now. I think he rather means that now it is the main reason he will not move back…

  • Reply
    February 12, 2010 at 4:06 pm

    Da sie wytrzymać. I completely and sincerely respect people who are spiritual and religious and want to openly practice their religion. I don't like it when the media pokes fun at churchgoers esp at the older folks. But having said that, they should respect my (our) right to follow our beliefs/philosophies and to raise our children as we see fit.

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